Monday, April 5, 2010

Yellow Brick Road by ANGUS AND JULIA STONE [2010]

Yellow Brick Road
by Angus and Julia Stone  [official - myspace - iTunes] and sister or husband and wife...the slight country vibe of this song makes me lean towards brother and sister AND husband and wife.  ZING!  Let's Wikipedia and find out.  BROTHER + SISTER from Sydney, Australia!  Well, they're not country but there are touches of it on this song (slide guitar?).  I am a lover of all music...except for country.  So I can only handle "touches" of it.  Definitely mellow.  Stream the whole thing over at KCRW.

1 comment:

  1. punk, i was just about to post a song by them tonight. great album - it's been on repeat for the last couple days.

    i was gonna post this one:

    or this one:
