Tuesday, February 23, 2010

HAPPY BDAY TONY: I Wanna be Adored by THE STONE ROSES [1989]

I Wanna Be Adored
by The Stone Roses [official - wiki]
*Like Tony, the Roses are so old they don't have an official MySpace page*

It's Tony's birthday today (Tues)...and the Tone Bone loves The Stone Roses.  I was gonna share my favorite, Fool's Gold but no matter how good it is, I just don't see you all sitting through the whole 9 min and 50 sec. song.  Happy Birthday T-bone!

Special Treat for Tony...from their website:

"Managed to track down a decent documentary from the 1990’s. Broadcast by the BBC, this 1 hour documentary charts the rise of the Roses and is well worth a listen."
The Story of The Stone Roses download


  1. hey mister, the mediafire linky link isn't working.

  2. Thanks buddy! A tune from my all-time favorite band from my all-time favorite album on my birthday? Doesn't get much better than that!
