Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Boy by RA RA RIOT [2010]

by Ra Ra Riot  [official  -  Last.FM  -  iTunes]

Yay for new Ra Ra Riot.  Definitely one of Driftwood's favorites from 2008...and definitely our all-time favorite cellist (Alexandra!).  Crap, my cousin's wife is a pretty good cellist too.  Okay, they have our all-time favorite cellist that's not related to me by marriage.  Looking forward to the new album, The Orchard, out 8/24 and their LA show at the Music Box on 10/20 [$20 tickets].

[*check out a great remix @ tympanogram]

1 comment:

  1. Why hello there: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b87pxnYghww
