Saturday, January 22, 2011

Best Albums [2010]

Driftwood's Best Albums of 2010...

1 High Violet by The National [official myspace - iTunes]
2 The Suburbs by Arcade Fire  [official - Last.FM - iTunes]
3 Go by Jonsi [official Last.FM - iTunes]
4 Contra by Vampire Weekend [official - myspace - iTunes]
5 Beachcomber's Windowsill by Stornoway  [official  -  Last.FM  -  iTunes]
6 The Drums by The Drums [official - myspace - iTunes]
7 Tourist History by Two Door Cinema Club  [official myspace iTunes]
8 Sleep Forever by Crocodiles [official - myspace - iTunes]
9 Teen Dream by Beach House [official Last.FM - iTunes]
10 A Balloon Called Moaning by The Joy Formidable [official - myspace - iTunes]

Better late than never...sorry for the slow posting so far this year.  A new job will do that to you -not sure what Tony's excuse is.  Some great albums last's to even more in 2011.  Thanks for listening!

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