Friday, February 25, 2011

The Sun by The Naked and Famous [2010]

The Sun
The Naked and Famous  [official - Last.FM - iTunes]

Since its Radiohead week in my mind (lets be honest, every week is Radiohead week in my mind), I'll post this track that has a baseline reminiscent of "Everything in its Right Place".  Somebody make a mash-up.  Besides being naked, famous and having a song that reminds me of Radiohead, TN&F also hail from New they've got that going for them.  Which is nice.  They return from Europe for a US tour in April and play The Echoplex on 4/8


  1. hey driftwoodfloating southland community! check out my cousin's former band, the mumlers, appearing march 6, 2011 at the music box, opening for morcheeba. They will also be playing sxsw in fantastic austin, texas: 3/16 1530 red eye fly, 3/16 2300 the ale house, and 3/19 0100 trophy room. still a great band, even if my cousin isn't plucking the bass.

  2. I don't know about you guys, but that tune of theirs 'young blood' makes me want to dance everytime I hear it.
